Wednesday 5 September 2012

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Vision India 2020
"If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India."
Romain Rolland.
Every country needs a vision statement which stirs the imagination and motivates all segments of society for greater effort. All of us want India to become a respectable super power in the world. It is my dream to see India as one of the most developed nations. 2020 is a good deadline for seeing a developed India. India was very great in the past- rich and strong. India has given to the world great saints, scholars, thinkers, artists and soldiers. But, today her people are suffering from many evils. Among these evils are poverty, ignorance, disease, bribery, corruption, indiscipline and disunity. The India of my dreams will be free from these evils.

Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work.
By 2020, India will be on the same platform on which America is now. The first and foremost thing I see in India 2020 is 100 percent literacy rate. Her people will have good food to eat. They will have fine clothes to wear. They will have nice houses to live in. They will be clean and healthy. They will be free and happy. There will be jobs for all. There will be no strikes and ‘morchas’. The people will be peaceful and united. India will flow with milk and honey.
India in 2020 will not have recognition in the world as a developing country but a name as a developed country. India will be far advanced in the fields of science, military, technology. India will stand up and say I am the world leader and I don't take orders from anybody be it USA, Russia or anybody else for the matter.
By the year 2020, I visualize most of the great cities of the country going in for their own individual Metros, which would not only reduce pollution but would make local transportation safe and fast. Even the long distance trains are sure to start moving faster, be less crowded and prove to be safer.
The over­all living standard of the people would rise. Each village would have a focal point for the new industries to be established and prosper. There would be local purchasing centers, thus avoiding the need to go to a city for selling the farm produce. I see an exceptionally bright future for India in the exploration of the space, in computer and information technology, as well as in health-services, our experts and specialists will be holding highly responsible positions all over the world.

We must think and act like a nation of a billion people and not like that of a million people. Dream, dream, dream!