Tuesday 19 February 2013

Pattern Making Principles

Pattern making Principles
For making flat pattern and for making alterations according to different design it is very important to know the pattern making principles. If we know the basic principles of pattern making and alteration, we can create any design without affecting the size and shape of the original pattern. Any pattern can be created and modified if we know the basic three principles, which are:
  1. Principle of dart Manipulation: there are many rules for creating, combining and dividing the darts and transferring dart at different places on a pattern piece. Dart can be shifted to a new place by slash and spread method and by pivot method.
  2. Principle of added Fullness: there are rules for adding fullness in a garment. Fullness can be provided in a garment with the help of gathers, pleats, tucks etc.
  3. Principle of contouring: there are rules of making countering pattern to make it fitted to the curved human figure.