Sunday 11 August 2013

fashion inspiration

Finding your fashion inspiration 

Creative people have overwhelming expectations placed on them. To find fashion design inspirations can be a daunting task. It can be intimidating to come up with new artistic works and find out how to begin your new masterpiece. The first step to putting pen to paper is observing the world around you. Applying this knowledge to your fashion designs is the next step. So where does one find fashion inspiration?
Fashion inspiration for creative work can be found in any place around you. Look in your garden, in your garage, in the office or at your colleagues. If you have to borrow the basic idea from another artist, then don’t feel too put off. There are very few completely unique ideas out there, but a fine line exists between copyright infringement and paying homage. The trick is to add your own personal touch and to provide a unique interpretation of that idea.
Any creative person needs to keep his/her finger on the pulse of what is new and trendy. Make sure to read the latest trendy magazines, watch the latest films and keep an eye out for interior decoration trends. An artist should always have either a camera or a sketch book handy to record these inspirational ideas. If you’re in a constantly changing environment such as travelling to other cities or countries, this could be a great source of fashion inspiration. When you’re travelling, try to observe the differences in culture, dress and cuisine. You constantly need to be up to date with world events, television and movie releases. Keep in touch with the big cities like London, Paris, Italy, New York, Tokyo and Copenhagen and try to apply the latest trends in your design work.
Even in your normal mundane daily tasks, you must attempt to draw designer inspiration. Seek out the shapes in the trees in the landscaping of gardens or simply admire the architecture in your street.  Some thoughts, smells, sounds or visuals can invoke a memory or an inspirational thought or design. Emotional music can assist in this regard.

Become a collector of inspirational items, although to some it may seem like junk. Fashion inspiration can come from even the most unlikely sources. Keep buttons, fabric scraps, books, magazine articles, retro postcards or bits and pieces of things that stimulate you visually. A collection of similar things can inspire a background or print for a garment. Collecting books is great although magazines are more ‘now’ and are great for up-to-the-moment information.

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